One Piece Spoiler Forum - Strong World

Posts written by Flax

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    Mi ci sono voluti 2 mesi per elaborare una risposta, tanto forte è stato lo shock di rileggerti.

    La mia risposta al "mi spiego meglio" è sicuramente no, e se avessi scritto questo post negli ultimi giorni avresti sicuramente, a ragione, fatto la menzione della nuova razza dei Bucanieri (li chiamo così per comodità, quella di Orso Bartholomew per capirci). Per non parlare delle miniavventure che prima o poi dovranno necessariamente finire, probabilmente facendoci vedere la fine della storia di personaggi come Kidd che non meritano minimamente di tornare nella trama dato lo spazio che hanno avuto e, parere mio, sprecato. Ammesso e non concesso che stiamo dando ancora tutti per scontato che One Piece finirà entro 3 anni e che non sia nuovamente al 63% dal completamento.

    Avevo già espresso il mio pensiero sul finale 5 anni addietro nel topic Scenari dopo Wano usando l'immagine di un cerchio che si chiude.


    Credo sia giusto e sacrosanto che Oda continui a portare avanti i misteri fino all'ultimo, lasciando il lettore con le domande esistenziali irrisolte fino al capitolo finale, sebbene trovo difficile dare risposta a tutti gli interrogativi in 15 pagine (infatti sono dell'idea che il finale di OP debba essere scritto in un volume tutto insieme, previa pausa di almeno 3-6 mesi per scriverlo e disegnarlo).

    Ci sono ancora tanti elementi da descrivere nel dettaglio per cui aggiungerne nuovi in questa fase preconclusiva mi sembra controproducente. Il pretesto della razza nuova viene usato e reciclato come base su cui strutturare un flashback di soprusi, tutto lecito ma io ci trovo poca originalità. Inserirle poi così ravvicinate è del tutto anacronistico (solariani a Wano e bucanieri a Egghead).

    Abbastanza emblematico che ora tutte le vicende ruotino intorno a Nika quando fino a ieri nessuno sapeva nulla, sembra di leggere un manga diverso con un protagonista diverso da ormai qualche mese. Per mia grande fortuna non sono particolarmente attento al protagonista quanto lo sono invece su altri componenti della ciurma. Anche se a conti fatti non è che sia tutta sta grande fortuna essere fan di Usopp e Nami nell'epoca di Wano.

    Oda ha la capacità narrativa di tenere alta l'attenzione, basta pensare che dopo mesi che abbiamo fatto la conoscenza di Vegapunk non sappiamo ancora nulla di nuovo sui Frutti del Diavolo (a parte una teoria pseudo-evoluzionistica comunque interessante avanzata dallo scienziato stesso). Per cui penso che tutte le aggiunte superflue siano dettate dall'editore di turno per allungare ulteriormente la storia (cavalieri celesti, razza Bucanieri) per interessi commerciali. Esattamente come è stato ai tempi di Sabaody con le Supernove. Infatti si è visto poi il ruolo marginale che hanno avuto, relegati a comparse in singole isole del Nuovo Mondo, a parte Law che ha avuto il giusto spazio ben dilazionato.

    Dopo lo scempio conclusivo di Wano il cui finale è stato eccessivamente concentrato per fare combaciare la comparsa di Shanks (del tutto inutile) per promuovere il film Red nello stesso periodo non posso permettermi più il lusso di sorprendermi per scelte dettate dall'interesse economico. Forse sarebbe opportuno non renderle così evidenti, anche se tutto sommato nessuno ci fa caso a queste coincidenze speculative.

    Una cosa per me è certa: saghe lunghe (e brutte) come Wano non devono più esistere. Continuo a credere che Oda saprà portare a termine dignitosamente la sua opera, ma con questo non voglio più azzardarmi a dire che saprà gestire tutto bene come dovrebbe. Difenderlo a spada tratta è diventato impossibile, soprattutto dopo l'imperdonabile ingresso di Jinbe nella ciurma.
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    Aggiunti spoiler 🔥
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    - Chapter Title: "Kumachi"
    - Cover Story: Zoro is featured in it.
    - Ivankov and Kuma create a plan to escape God Valley by taking the Devil Fruit prizes from the slave hunt tournament and using them.
    - The Rocks pirates come to God Valley, and we see them (and Kaido lol). Garp is also sent there as well. Elder Nyon (from Amazon Lily) is revealed to be a member of the Rocks.
    - Among the prizes, there are Kaido's Devil Fruit and Kuma's Devil Fruit, and Ivankov and Kuma plan to take them to escape.
    - Big Mom arrives and confronts Ivankov. She takes the Devil Fruit Ivankov held (Kaido's). But Kuma manages to eat his Paw-Paw Fruit and meet Saturn.
    - We also see Roger's pirates, with Roger having the straw hat with him.
    - We don't see the whole God valley incident . We only see the different factions arriving, and skip to Sorbet Kingdom in which Kuma, Ivankov and Ginny escaped to


    Edited by Flax - 24/10/2023, 05:43
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    Titolo: Kumachi



    Capitolo 1096 italiano

    Capitolo 1096 inglese

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    Edited by Flax - 27/10/2023, 05:48
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    Non avevo grandi aspettative e quindi non ho avuto l'effetto delusione.

    Molte cose sono state oggettivamente realizzate e pensate male e mi infastidisce che la fanbase abbia deciso di chiuderci un occhio.

    Zoro messo KO da un colpo di bottiglia. Vogliamo parlarne?
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    Short chapter of 15 pages.

    🀄Chapter 1,095. "A world doesn't worth living in".

    🔹️The cover: A monkey takes Buggy's nose and runs away.

    🔹️Chapter starts with the Vice Admirals prepare to help Saint Saturn, but Saturn orders them to stand down. Saturn says that he could easily dodge Bonney's attack if he would have wanted to. Saturn pulls out the
    sword of his body and his blood disappears.

    🔹️Saturn attacks Bonney and Sanji by emitting aura from his eyes. Bonney and Sanji are knocked in the head and some blood coming out, but their heads don't explode.

    🔹️Kizaru apologizes to Saturn, he's still on the ground unable to move.

    🔹️Saturn: "Your work is unusually slow this time."

    🔹️Saturn tries to stomp on Luffy but Franky extends his arm and saves his captain. Luffy is still conscious but he doesn't say anything in this chapter. Vegapunk, Bonney, Sanji and Franky are unable to move due to Saturn's mysterious power.

    🔹️Vegapunk: "If this is not a scientific power, then this must be Devil Fruit ability...!!"

    🔹️Saturn grabs Bonney and squeezes her.

    🔹️Bonney: "You killed my father!!!"

    🔹️We see a little flashback of Kuma telling young Bonney about Nika. Kuma makes Nika's drum rhythm sound and they dance together.

    🔹️Kuma: "Bonney, I want to be a hero who liberate people like Nika!!" Back to the present. Saturn says Kuma is part of "Buccaneer Race", the people who once committed a crime in the past. "Buccaneer Race" seems to have blood of the Giants, making them unusually strong. A new flashback starts, it took place 47 years ago in Sorbet Kingdom. Kuma was born in a normal family, his father was a member of "Buccaneer Race" and his mother was a normal human. The information about Kuma's blood test was leaked to a World Government agent at the hospital, so Kuma's entire family was captured and became slaves in Mary Geoise due to their strength.

    🔹️After his mother's death, Kuma's father tells him about the legend of Nika. Kuma's father says it's a legend that has been passed down among "Buccaneer Race" members. Kuma's father makes Nika's drum rhythm sound and starts dancing for Kuma, but he was suddenly shot in the head by a Tenryuubito for making too much noise.

    🔹️Cut to 38 years ago. Tenryuubito MC explains that once every 3 years, the Tenryuubito comes down from Mary Geoise and conducts a human hunting game on a non-Government island. Tenryuubito releases problematic slaves on the island and wipes them out along with the native people on the island. After that,the World Government claims the island as their own. The island that Tenryuubito chose for that year was "God Valley" in the West Blue, the land with many valuable resources that dare to use the word "God" in its name. The king of "God Valley" tried to stop them but was killed by Saint Figarland Garling.

    🔹️This year's game hasn't started yet, but Garling is the one that Tenryuubito expects to be the "champion". Young Garling was very handsome, with half-moon hair (no beard). Many Tenryuubito are swooning over him.

    🔹️Saturn is on "God Valley" as well, he looks exact the same that in the present. Saturn receives words that the "Buccaneer" child slave who escaped was captured.

    🔹️In the last page of the chapter, we see that Kuma is being dragged in the field by other slaves( the continuation of the flashback Bonney 1,074). Then suddenly 2 shadows appear.

    🔹️Mysterious person: "Hee haw!! Hold right there you guys!! You must be the "Buccaneer", the star of this!! I see what they mean, you're indeed huge!!

    🔹️They say the blood of Giants runs within you!! and a girl named

    🔹️We can see that the 2 mysterious shadows are 2 child slaves: a young Emporio Ivankov Jinny/Ginny. Ivankov looks pretty similar to her adult appearance. Jinny/Ginny is a short-haired smiling girl that is eating a piece of meat.

    🔹️Jinny/Ginny. "Isn't my big bro here huge too!?

    🔹️Ivankov: "Just the face though!! Wait, that's not the point here you dummy!!"

    🔹️Ivankov talks to Kuma.

    🔹️Ivankov: "I choose to live!! What about you!?"


    📌Source: Redon
  10. .
    Kuma’s race is revealed.

    We are introduced to a new young girl this chapter.
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    Short chapter of 15 pages.

    Chapter 1,095. "A world doesn't worth living in".

    🔹️The cover: A monkey takes Buggy's nose and runs away.

    🔹️Chapter starts with the Vice Admirals prepare to help Saint Saturn, but Saturn orders them to stand down. Saturn says that he could easily dodge Bonney's attack if he would have wanted to. Saturn pulls out the
    sword of his body and his blood disappears.

    🔹️Saturn attacks Bonney and Sanji by emitting aura from his eyes. Bonney and Sanji are knocked in the head and some blood coming out, but their heads don't explode.

    🔹️Kizaru apologizes to Saturn, he's still on the ground unable to move.

    🔹️Saturn: "Your work is unusually slow this time."

    🔹️Saturn tries to stomp on Luffy but Franky extends his arm and saves his captain. Luffy is still conscious but he doesn't say anything in this chapter. Vegapunk, Bonney, Sanji and Franky are unable to move due to Saturn's mysterious power.

    🔹️Vegapunk: "If this is not a scientific power, then this must be Devil Fruit ability...!!"

    🔹️Saturn grabs Bonney and squeezes her.

    🔹️Bonney: "You killed my father!!!"

    🔹️We see a little flashback of Kuma telling young Bonney about Nika. Kuma makes Nika's drum rhythm sound and they dance together.

    🔹️Kuma: "Bonney, I want to be a hero who liberate people like Nika!!" Back to the present. Saturn says Kuma is part of "Buccaneer Race", the people who once committed a crime in the past. "Buccaneer Race" seems to have blood of the Giants, making them unusually strong. A new flashback starts, it took place 47 years ago in Sorbet Kingdom. Kuma was born in a normal family, his father was a member of "Buccaneer Race" and his mother was a normal human. The information about Kuma's blood test was leaked to a World Government agent at the hospital, so Kuma's entire family was captured and became slaves in Mary Geoise due to their strength.

    🔹️After his mother's death, Kuma's father tells him about the legend of Nika. Kuma's father says it's a legend that has been passed down among "Buccaneer Race" members. Kuma's father makes Nika's drum rhythm sound and starts dancing for Kuma, but he was suddenly shot in the head by a Tenryuubito for making too much noise.

    🔹️Cut to 38 years ago. Tenryuubito MC explains that once every 3 years, the Tenryuubito comes down from Mary Geoise and conducts a human hunting game on a non-Government island. Tenryuubito releases problematic slaves on the island and wipes them out along with the native people on the island. After that,the World Government claims the island as their own. The island that Tenryuubito chose for that year was "God Valley" in the West Blue, the land with many valuable resources that dare to use the word "God" in its name. The king of "God Valley" tried to stop them but was killed by Saint Figarland Garling.

    🔹️This year's game hasn't started yet, but Garling is the one that Tenryuubito expects to be the "champion". Young Garling was very handsome, with half-moon hair (no beard). Many Tenryuubito are swooning over him.

    🔹️Saturn is on "God Valley" as well, he looks exact the same that in the present. Saturn receives words that the "Buccaneer" child slave who escaped was captured.

    🔹️In the last page of the chapter, we see that Kuma is being dragged in the field by other slaves( the continuation of the flashback Bonney 1,074). Then suddenly 2 shadows appear.

    🔹️Mysterious person: "Hee haw!! Hold right there you guys!! You must be the "Buccaneer", the star of this!! I see what they mean, you're indeed huge!!

    🔹️They say the blood of Giants runs within you!! and a girl named

    🔹️We can see that the 2 mysterious shadows are 2 child slaves: a young Emporio Ivankov Jinny/Ginny. Ivankov looks pretty similar to her adult appearance. Jinny/Ginny is a short-haired smiling girl that is eating a piece of meat.

    🔹️Jinny/Ginny. "Isn't my big bro here huge too!?

    🔹️Ivankov: "Just the face though!! Wait, that's not the point here you dummy!!"

    🔹️Ivankov talks to Kuma.

    🔹️Ivankov: "I choose to live!! What about you!?"


    Source: Redon


    Edited by Relo Caelum - 11/10/2023, 11:43
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    Titolo: Un mondo in cui non vale la pena vivere



    Capitolo 1095 italiano

    Capitolo 1095 inglese

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    Edited by Flax - 15/10/2023, 06:44
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    Chapter 1,094 "Warrior God of Science and Defense, Saint Jaygarcia Saturn"

    🔹️Color Spread in the cover to promote "Monsters" special Anime. All Shimotsuki Family members (Ryuma, Zoro, Kulna, Koushirou, Kozaburo, Yasure, and tishimaru with Onimarul appear in the front) (Ryuma zombie and Zoro in attack pose). Young Ryuma and a dragon's shadow are in the background. "Ippyakusan Jou Hiryuu Jigoku" (the attack Zoro used to defeat King) is written in japanese.

    🔹️Chapter starts with all Pacifistas obeying Atlas order and attacking the Marines.

    🔹️Bonney is fighting Martines too. She uses a new attack called "NDE" (Near Death Experience). she fires a gun at Marines and they hallucinate with their own deaths.

    🔹️After that, Bonney faces 2 Vice Admirals. One of them is the man with long chin and mustache (his name is not revealed in this chapter). He's wellding a long staff with a huge seashell at the tip.

    🔹️The other Vice Admiral is the old lady named "Bluegrass". She ate "Nori Nori no Mi," allowing her to ride and control everything she rides. Bluegrass is riding one of the Pacifistas, so Bonney can't do anything against her.

    🔹️Sanil jumps down the "VegaTank 8" and saves Bonney just in time.

    🔹️A magical circle (with a 5 point star and a number 5 symbol) suddenly appears in the middle of Egghead istand along with fire and black lightning explosions.

    🔹️There is an announcement from the Marines saying that Saint Saturn is on the island. Marines with "Rear Admiral" rank or below must not look at Saint Saturn directly. However, one Marine makes eye contact with Saint Saturn, and his head explodes.

    🔹️We can see Saturn clearly. The lower part of Saturn's body is a spider (like Black Maria) with a flame-shape pattern. Saturn's beard and hair become like flowing clouds, he has too a black cloud wrap over his neck (like Lucci or Kaku). His face looks human but Saturn's nose is more wide. And he has 2 big horns and his hat.

    🔹️it seems he's using his hybrid awakened form, but it's not confirmed in the chapter. Akuma no Mi name is not confirmed either, but Saturn looks like an Ushi-Oni for Gyük) that it's a yokai from the folklore of western Japan.

    🔹️Cut to Luffy Vs. Kizaru. Luffy and Kizaru are panting, Kizaru says he can't stay fighting Or else he won't complete his mission.

    🔹️Then Kizaru flies away with super-speed to attack Vegapunk. Kizaru shoots laser at "Vega Tank 8" but it misses. However laser destroys the cloud road, making "VegaTank & falls to the ground.

    🔹️Suddenly, Saturn's voice can be heard all over Egghead island

    🔹️Saturn: Pacifistas, stop!!"

    🔹️All strong characters in the island (Luffy, Kizaru, Zoro, Lucci, sanji, jinbe, voice Admirals...) suddenly stop because they feel an unusual aura.

    🔹️After that Luffy Vs. Kizaru continues. Luffy catches up with Kizaru.

    🔹️Kizaru: "That form is already at it's limit, right?"

    🔹️Luffy hits Kizaru with a new attack called "Gomu Gomu no Star Gun" (Gum-Gum White Star Gun-JAD Luffy's punch goes through Kizaru's face (same way as Kaidoo in Onigashima) but this time the attack creates many star effects.

    🔹️Kizaru: "Ohh, this is bad...?.

    🔹️Both Luffy and Kizaru fall to the ground together. Saturn looks up at Luffy while he's falling down.

    🔹️Saturn: "Nika..."

    🔹️Luffy turns to old man form when he arrives to the ground.

    🔹️in the final double page of the chapter, Saturn is facing Bonney, Sanji, Vegapunk, and Franky. Bonney remembers something from her past, but we don't know who are the people that say the words Bonney remembers.

    🔹️Bonney's memories: "I gave the order, Vegapunk There must be no consciousness remain!! But if you do that, Kuma will..."

    🔹️After that, Bonney jumps and stabs Saturn's chest with a sword. Some blood flows from Saturn's chest...

    End of the chapter.



    Edited by Flax - 4/10/2023, 05:46
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